Welcome to Yusuf's portfolio website

Resource Course Progress
Codecademy Learn Java Studying Java (click to see progress)
Code First Girls Nano Degree: Full stack developer Complete
Code First Girls Introduction to Web Development Complete
CodeBar Introduction to JavaScript Complete
FreeCodeCamp Responsive Web Design Complete
FreeCodeCamp JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures Progressed to other courses
Scrimba Learn JavaScript Progressed to other courses
Scrimba Learn React Progressed to other courses
Flexbox Froggy A game for learning CSS flexbox Level 4 out of 24

This tab also acts as a list of study resources for other students

My linkedIn profile can be found here

This portfolio website is hosted on my AWS t3-micro instance using the custom domain here
As proof, please take a look at the SSL certificate or the address of the load balancer I setup for this site.
It is hosted without any expenses within the confines of the AWS free-tier, which turns out to be quite a skill in itself!
The code for this website is also hosted on github pages

Source code
The source code for this website can be found here
I have more github repositories here and here .
I have a few more repos on my codepen profile here

Why am I studying skills in web development?

Tech has always been a passion of mine. I have more recently enjoyed attending the following tech conferences and gatherings:

Part of why I'm applying for this course is because I'd like to be part of the change I'd like to see in the (tech) world

I can also be caught doing tech security workshops for organisations and marginalised folk

I am studying to be a web developer because it is time I transform my long-term hobby of tech into a future-proof career path.

Furthermore, I am an avid user of FOSS and I feel that it is time I gave back to the FOSS community.. in code!